Employers who invest in their most promising engineers through the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program will be amply rewarded.

Your chosen employees will emerge from the program with not only a well-executed Challenge Project, but with the capacity to drive innovation within your organization for decades.

The Gordon Institute:

Prepares employees to lead, not leave.  The program increases retention of your most promising talent through a curriculum specifically focused on building a career within your organization.

Accelerates career development.  Upon graduation, your employee will be ready to assume significantly increased responsibilities and will be capable of meeting performance, business, and time-to-market goals equal to those achieved by more experienced engineering leaders.

Allows for customization across engineering disciplines. In addition to cross-functional engineering leadership training, your employee can pursue advanced technical coursework in a variety of engineering disciplines.

Culminates in a market-worthy Challenge Project based on your strategic needs.  The cornerstone of your employee’s educational experience will be an intense individual project in product or process development that will have a quantifiable impact on your organization.

“Forging partnerships with colleges and universities is paramount to fulfilling our mission and responsibilities to the American people.”

Brian Baker, Director, FDA Winchester Engineering & Analytical Center